How can I implement following Predicate Example given in Spring DSL:
Predicate isWidget = header("type").isEqualTo("widget");
Like this:
<from uri="jms:queue:order"/>
<simple>${header.type} == 'widget'</simple>
<to uri="bean:widgetOrder"/>
<simple>${header.type} == 'wombat'</simple>
<to uri="bean:wombatOrder"/>
<to uri="bean:miscOrder"/>
Spring application context doesn't have name attribute in header and <isNotEqualTo> doesn't exist at all.
What's your camel and spring versions?
Anyway you could try this in <when> instead of predicate: <simple>${header.type == 'wombat'}</simple>
The syntax on this one is wrong. Look at Dhiraj's answer.