Check User interface / Tabs. You just need to add the following line in the configuration file.
"workbench.editor.showTabs": false
I also think that How do I disable tabs in Visual Studio Code? is asking the exact opposite of what you are asking.
In VSCode, click Manage (is the gear shown at lower-left corner) > Settings > in the search bar on top type "showtabs" to get to the right menu > check-marked means tabs will show.
Seriously tired of finding such little hacks. Thank you very much. I don't understand why default setting is turned off? who on this earth do not want to see files in tabs?
@Atul On Mac, I found that accidentally pressing Ctrl + Cmd + W toggles this behavior and this was most likely what was hurting me as Ctrl + Cmd + Q is used to lock the screen. Maybe something similar is happening to you?
@ankush981That's exactly what I did; was trying to hit Shift-Cmd-W to close the window and fat-fingered it.
@ankush981 Thanks man pressing those keys again fixed it for me