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Parse XML tag to boolean if it exists when unmarshalling

发布于 2020-11-28 12:24:08

I'm trying to parse XML tag into a boolean if it exists. The tags inside <status> can be <active />, <available /> or <invalid /> and only one of these tag exists inside <status>.

Here's my current attempt:

package main

import (

type Response struct {
    XMLName      xml.Name `xml:"domain"`
    Authority    string   `xml:"authority,attr"`
    RegistryType string   `xml:"registryType,attr"`
    EntityClass  string   `xml:"entityClass,attr"`
    EntityName   string   `xml:"entityName,attr"`
    DomainName   string   `xml:"domainName"`
    Status       Status   `xml:"status"`

type Status struct {
    Active    bool `xml:"active,omitempty"`
    Available bool `xml:"available,omitempty"`
    Invalid   bool `xml:"invalid,omitempty"`

func main() {

    str := `
<domain authority="domain.fi" registryType="dchk1" entityClass="domain-name" entityName="esimerkki.fi">
    <active />

    var ans Response
    err := xml.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &ans)
    if err != nil {

    fmt.Printf(`%#v`, ans.Status)

This returns all Status.* as false and not Status.Active = true as expected. How can you get the expected result?

Second attempt with pointers:

type Status struct {
    Active    *bool `xml:"active,omitempty"`
    Available *bool `xml:"available,omitempty"`
    Invalid   *bool `xml:"invalid,omitempty"`

*ans.Status.Active still false.

raspi 2020-11-28 21:56:45

As @mh-cbon suggested simply checking for if pointer wasn't nil for *bool was enough to determine if that tag existed. But I went and turned the XML response struct into proper Response struct which only contains needed information and Status into a constant.

So now it's:

// Raw XML DTO
type XmlResponse struct {
    XMLName      xml.Name  `xml:"domain"`
    Authority    string    `xml:"authority,attr"`
    RegistryType string    `xml:"registryType,attr"`
    EntityClass  string    `xml:"entityClass,attr"`
    EntityName   string    `xml:"entityName,attr"`
    DomainName   string    `xml:"domainName"`
    Status       XmlStatus `xml:"status"`

// Raw XML DTO
type XmlStatus struct {
    Active    *bool `xml:"active,omitempty"`
    Available *bool `xml:"available,omitempty"`
    Invalid   *bool `xml:"invalid,omitempty"`

// Return Response struct which doesn't have the unnecessary XML
func (x XmlResponse) GetResponse() Response {
    st := Invalid // Default to invalid

    if x.Status.Active != nil {
        st = Active
    } else if x.Status.Available != nil {
        st = Available
    } else if x.Status.Invalid != nil {
        st = Invalid

    return Response{
        Domain: x.DomainName,
        Status: st,

// Proper response parsed from XML
type Response struct {
    Domain string
    Status Status

type Status uint8

const (
    Invalid Status = iota

And parsing happens as:

var xmlresp XmlResponse
err := xml.Unmarshal([]byte(str), &xmlresp)
if err != nil {

ans := xmlresp.GetResponse()

fmt.Printf(`%#v`, ans)