I am switching my SSD with a better one in a few days and I have a bunch of data stored on it that I might regret if deleted. The only type of files I need are PDF files, docx files, txt files and other things. So, I wrote a script to locate those files using python.
# to copy all of my documents into another location.
import sys
import os
import time
import pathlib
import json
filePath=["D:\\", "C:\\Users"]
# ext=['mkv','docx','doc','pdf','mp4','zip',]
for each_drive in filePath:
for each_type in fileExt:
file1 = open('test.txt', 'w')
for each in fileList.values():
for each2 in each.values():
for entry in each2:
file1.writelines(str(str(entry)+ "\n"))
This script just locates the file with formats matching the FileExt list and writes out those locations to test.txt file. Now I need to transfer these files while keeping the exact directory structure. For example, If there is a file as
The script should copy the entire directory structure as
How do I copy using this exact structure.
TLDR: Need to copy files while keeping the directory structure as is using Python
P.S. I am using Windows, with Python 3.8
For each line in your file list, do the following:
for filePath in fileList:
destination = .join(['<BackupDrive>:\<BackupFolderName>', filePath[2:]])
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(filePath), exist_ok=True)
shutil.copy(filePath , destination)