I am trying to create an activity diagram with PlantUML that does contain arrows that go back to existing nodes.
What I am looking for is a diagram that includes the two arrows "Arrow 1" and "Arrow 2" in the picture below:
I have tried creating this using the PlantUML beta syntax for Activity diagrams.
I achieved the diagram below:
by writing the following PlantUML code:
:new - please check;
while (check sucessful?) is (is an error)
:to solve;
:in progress;
endwhile (not an error)
note left
* done
* not an error
* not fixable
end note
Does anybody has a hint on how to achieve this? It does not matter to me if the result is achieved by using the beta syntax or the older syntax.
you cannot have several flows starting from an action nor several flows going to an action
for the UML point of view so you need to add :
a decision node after the action "to solve" to have your two flows, each with a guard
a decision node after the action "erledigt" to have your two flows, each with a guard
a merge node before the action "to solve" to receive the flows from the decision node "check successful" and the action "erledigt".
For (1) use a "if-else" or a "split" in PlantUML
start :new - please check; while (check sucessful?) is (is an error) :to solve; if (duration) then (long) :in progress; else (immediat) endif :solved; endwhile (not an error) :erledigt; note left reason: * done * not an error * not fixable end note stop @enduml
For (3) may be you can use a "repeat while" also managing (2), but not sure you can in PlantUML without duplicating the three actions (to solve - in progress - solved) or doing them in an other activity you call. In PlantUML the code is drawn from control-structure except "goto", that allows to not cross lines, but you need a "goto" crossing lines. Note there is no problem going to the decision "check sucessfull" rather than to the action "to solve"
Thanks @bruno, this works for me :-) It also put me on the right track for what I really needed. I am much better of modeling my case as a state chart than an activity diagram. (Would give you two upvotes if I could ;-) )
you cannot have should probably end with "for PlantUML" since UML can have it.