function img = sampleFBP(sino,angs)
% This step is necessary so that frequency information is preserved: we pad
% the sinogram with zeros so that this is ensured.
sino = padarray(sino, floor(size(sino,1)/2), 'both');
% diagDim should be the length of an individual row of the sinogram - don't
% hardcode this!
diagDim = size(sino, 2);
% The 2DFT (2D Fourier transform) of our image will start as a matrix of
% all zeros.
fimg = zeros(diagDim);
% Design your 1-d ramp filter.
rampFilter_1d = abs(linspace(-1, 1, diagDim))';
rowIndex = 1;
for nn = angs
% Each contribution to the image's 2DFT will also begin as all zero.
imContrib = zeros(diagDim);
% Get the current row of the sinogram - use rowIndex.
curRow = sino(rowIndex,:);
% Take the 1D Fourier transform the current row - be careful, as it's
% necessary to perform ifftshift and fftshift as Matlab tends to
% place zero-frequency components of a spectrum at the edges.
fourierCurRow = fftshift(fft(ifftshift(curRow)));
% Place the Fourier-transformed sino row and place it at the center of
% the next image contribution. Add the ramp filter in Fourier domain.
imContrib(floor(diagDim/2), :) = fourierCurRow;
imContrib = imContrib * fft(rampFilter_1d);
% Rotate the current image contribution to be at the correct angle on
% the 2D Fourier-space image.
imContrib = imrotate(imContrib, nn, 'crop');
% Add the current image contribution to the running representation of
% the image in Fourier space!
fimg = fimg + imContrib;
rowIndex = rowIndex + 1;
% Finally, just take the inverse 2D Fourier transform of the image! Don't
% forget - you may need an fftshift or ifftshift here.
rcon = fftshift(ifft2(ifftshift(fimg)));
初始化一个与2DFT大小相同的数组(即diagDim x diagDim)。这是傅立叶空间。
从单个角度获取与线积分信息相对应的正弦图的一行,并对其应用1D FT
根据中央切片定理,此线积分的FT是通过傅立叶域的线,该线以与投影采用的角度相对应的角度穿过原点。因此,为了模拟这一点,我将线的FT取整并将其放置在我创建的diagDim x diagDim矩阵的中心行中
现在,我将整个矩阵旋转投影所采用的角度。这应该给我一个diagDim x diagDim矩阵,其中一条信息线以一定角度穿过中心。Matlab旋转时会增加矩阵的大小,但是由于正弦图是在开始时填充的,因此不会丢失任何信息,并且仍然可以添加矩阵
如果将所有这些空矩阵与通过中心的一行相加在一起,则应该为我提供图像的完整2D FT。所有需要做的就是逆2D FT,原始图像应该是结果。
第二个问题是,您的正弦图需要进行转置才能与算法保持一致。因此增加了sino = sino'
imContrib = imContrib * fft(rampFilter_1d);
imContrib(floor(diagDim/2), :) = imContrib(floor(diagDim/2), :)' .* rampFilter_1d;
请注意,斜坡滤波器在频域中是线性的(感谢@Cris Luengo纠正了此错误)。因此,当在频域中应用此滤波器时,您应该插入fft
in fft(rampFilter_1d)
angs = 0:359; % angles of rotation 0, 1, 2... 359
init_img = phantom('Modified Shepp-Logan', 100); % Initial image 2D [100 x 100]
sino = radon(init_img, angs); % Create a sinogram using radon transform
% Here is your function ....
% This step is necessary so that frequency information is preserved: we pad
% the sinogram with zeros so that this is ensured.
sino = padarray(sino, floor(size(sino,1)/2), 'both');
% Rotate the sinogram 90-degree to be compatible with your codes definition of view and radial positions
% dim 1 -> view
% dim 2 -> Radial position
sino = sino';
% diagDim should be the length of an individual row of the sinogram - don't
% hardcode this!
diagDim = size(sino, 2);
% The 2DFT (2D Fourier transform) of our image will start as a matrix of
% all zeros.
fimg = zeros(diagDim);
% Design your 1-d ramp filter.
rampFilter_1d = abs(linspace(-1, 1, diagDim))';
rowIndex = 1;
for nn = angs
% fprintf('rowIndex = %g => nn = %g\n', rowIndex, nn);
% Each contribution to the image's 2DFT will also begin as all zero.
imContrib = zeros(diagDim);
% Get the current row of the sinogram - use rowIndex.
curRow = sino(rowIndex,:);
% Take the 1D Fourier transform the current row - be careful, as it's
% necessary to perform ifftshift and fftshift as Matlab tends to
% place zero-frequency components of a spectrum at the edges.
fourierCurRow = fftshift(fft(ifftshift(curRow)));
% Place the Fourier-transformed sino row and place it at the center of
% the next image contribution. Add the ramp filter in Fourier domain.
imContrib(round(diagDim/2), :) = fourierCurRow;
imContrib(round(diagDim/2), :) = imContrib(round(diagDim/2), :)' .* rampFilter_1d; % <-- NOT fft(rampFilter_1d)
% Rotate the current image contribution to be at the correct angle on
% the 2D Fourier-space image.
imContrib = imrotate(imContrib, nn, 'crop');
% Add the current image contribution to the running representation of
% the image in Fourier space!
fimg = fimg + imContrib;
rowIndex = rowIndex + 1;
% Finally, just take the inverse 2D Fourier transform of the image! Don't
% forget - you may need an fftshift or ifftshift here.
rcon = fftshift(ifft2(ifftshift(fimg)));
如果您注释掉零填充步骤(即注释掉sino = padarray(sino, floor(size(sino,1)/2), 'both');
呼叫,结果实际上是正确的。您会注意到重建的图像将如何与输入体模更加相似。为了澄清,它必须是fourierCurRow' .* rampFilter_1d