I am attempting to solve a system of first order differential equations with scipy.integrate.RK45()
. I have scripted out the model function that I am hoping to plot (displacement vs time), but RK45()
requires that this function takes 2 arguments, namely 't' and 'y', where 't' is a scalar and 'y' is an array in my case. This is better described below:
My script is as follows:
import numpy as np
from scipy.integrate import RK45, RK23
# Model the calling function [X_dot]:
def model(t, y):
# Define the mass, stiffness and damping [m, c, k]:
m = 2
c = 10
k = 1500
# Define the piecewise forcing function [F]:
if (t >= 0 and t < 0.1):
F = 200 * t
if (t >= 0.1 and t < 0.25):
F = 20
F = 0
E_matrix = [[0, 1], [(-k / m), (-c / m)]]
Q_matrix = [0, F / m]
return E_matrix*X + Q_matrix
# Define the initial conditions and integration boundaries:
time_step = 0.01
t_upper = 0.5
t_lower = 0
initial_conditions = [0, 0] # [displacement(t=0) = 0, velocity(t=0) = 0]
points_to_plot = RK45(fun=model(t, y), t0=t_lower, y0=initial_conditions, t_bound=t_upper, vectorized=True)
A picture of the system I'd like to solve is seen below:
I have found very few examples of this being used as most solutions use odeint()
What are these two arguments (t, y) and how would I effectively incorporate them into my function? Any help is appreciated greatly.
You have used t
already. Now, change def model(t, y):
to def model(t, X):
and you will use X
as well. Note that t and y are positional arguments, you can call them however you like in your function. You have another issue, which is that you multiply Python lists! In Python, as opposed to Matlab, you need to specify that you make an array:
E_matrix = [[0, 1], [(-k / m), (-c / m)]]
Q_matrix = [0, F / m]
E_matrix = np.array([[0, 1], [(-k / m), (-c / m)]])
Q_matrix = np.array([0, F / m])
return E_matrix*X + Q_matrix
return E_matrix @ X + Q_matrix
as @
is the matrix product in NumPy. *
performs element-wise product.
EDIT: I hadn't spotted the call RK45(fun=model(t, y),
. By doing that, you are passing the value of the function model at t,y
. You need to give the function itself: RK45(fun=model, ...
Hi Pierre, thank you very much for the help! I have made the relevant changes, but am now getting an error
NameError: name 't' is not defined
(which I also got previously). When calling the RK45 function, what should be assigned to t and X? Right now I just haveRK45(fun=model(t, X)...
as a place holder.I hadn't spotted the
RK45(fun=model(t, y),
. By doing that, you are passing the value of the functionmodel
. You need to give the function itself:RK45(fun=model, ...