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How to use where condition in fetch URL in javascript?

发布于 2020-11-28 01:34:38

I am using third party api in their sdk they have given option to fetch data on the base of where condition like this

            mode: 'dashboard',
            params: 'id,name,lastname',
            where: [
                    attribute: 'level',
                    value: {
                        condition: '=',
                        value: 4,
        },function (res) {
            if (!res.error) {
                $scope.drivers_filter = res.result
            } else MyAlert.show(res.result)

in the console it seems like this

Request URL: https://apiv4.ordering.co/v400/es-419-1/devyv4/users?mode=dashboard&params=id,name,lastname&where=[{%22attribute%22:%22level%22,%22value%22:{%22condition%22:%22=%22,%22value%22:4}}]

but when i use this url in fetch() it doesn't work

fetch("https://apiv4.ordering.co/v400/en/devyv4/users&where[{%22attribute%22:%22level%22,%22value%22:{%22condition%22:%22=%22,%22value%22:4}}]", {
            method: "GET",
            headers: {
              "x-api-key": ""
        }).then(r =>  r.json().then(data => (alert(JSON.stringify(data.result)))))

How i can use this in url ?

Bilal arshad
Matthew Brooks 2020-11-28 10:15:52

Look closely at the URL you're passing. You need to define the start of your search string with ?
