I'd like to use Visual Studio Code as my editor for Flutter development, but I don't know how to get the emulator going. I've installed Visual Studio Code on Ubuntu 17.10 (Artful Aardvark).
I followed the first half of instructions as outlined on the Flutter: Get Started page (Create new app). Then I ran into trouble in the second half:
Run the app
- Make sure a target device is selected in the lower, right-hand corner of VS Code
- Press the F5 button on the keyboard, or invoke Debug>Start Debugging
- Wait for the app to launch
- If everything works, after the app has been built, you should see your starter app on your device or simulator:
The problem is that in that bottom right-hand corner is "No Devices."
How do I connect a device? I can't seem to find instructions anywhere.
From version 2.13.0
of Dart Code, emulators can be launched directly from within Visual Studio Code, but this feature relies on support from the Flutter tools which means it will only show emulators when using a very recent Flutter SDK. Flutter’s master channel already has this change, but it may take a little longer to filter through to the development and beta channels.
I tested this feature, and it worked very well on Flutter version 0.5.6-pre.61 (master channel).
Dennis, I'm going to do as you ask as your reputation is several times higher than mine and I respect your experience, but personally, in my ignorance, I'm not sure I'm keen on a best answer that means having to use near bleeding edge software.
Flutter is beta which means it will be bleeding edge software for a while. If the above answer helps others, let's live with it.
@CharlesThomasIngles sorry I just saw your comment, I guess turns out this really was indeed the suitable answer :p. Thanks for your listening though :)
thanks. I think visual studio code is the way to develop dart code. I set up my x86 emulator in android studio on the iMac. From visual studio code using the bash terminal I can the x86 emulators setup with the command "/Users/your_user/Library/android/sdk/emulator/emulator -list-avds" and manually launch the emulator using "emulator -avd the_device_name". setting the path in etc/paths will allow you to find the emulator
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