I'm trying to change the material of my imported FBX-file. I can easliy change attributes of the material, that is already attached to my FBX file, but I can't change the material to my predefined "matAluMedium". I did this before in another project, but can't figure out, what I did wrong this time.
Hope you can help
function init() {
const cubeTexureloader = new CubeTextureLoader();
envMap = cubeTexureloader.load([
matAluMedium = new MeshStandardMaterial({
color: 0x98720b,
roughness: 0.2,
metalness: 1,
envMap: envMap,
function newFBX(props) {
const fbx = useLoader(FBXLoader, "assets/models/" + props.path + ".fbx");
fbx.traverse( function ( child ) {
if ( child instanceof Mesh ) {
child.material = matAluMedium;
} );
<primitive object={fbx} dispose={null} />
So I did a workaround to solve my problem. I don't know why, but when I replace "traverse" with "foreach" it works. However...? Maybe someone can explain me why.
This is my working code:
const fbx = useLoader(FBXLoader, "assets/models/" + props.path + ".fbx");
fbx.children.forEach((mesh, i) => {
mesh.material = matAluBright;