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How to get full response or set pagination using Microsoft Graph API?

发布于 2020-12-16 03:32:33

I am not sure if my API has the limit for the response.

My Graph API is the following.


Actually, the children has more than 1,500 results(folders and files), but it responses only 1206 results.

Does the API provide limited response?

I tried to add some filters including $top, $skip, etc, but they were not working.

And when I tried to add ?$skip=1000 to get skip 1,000 results, but it was saying the error.

enter image description here

Please let me know what I should do to get full results or add some filters to paginate using the API.

Thank you.

hotcakedev 2020-12-16 16:41:56

I found the answer. I should use "@odata.nextLink" property while it does exist. You could refer to the doc.