This is my first time deploying a nuxt app to heroku, I've followed the instructions I've found on nuxt guide.
Created the heroku app & added the following configuration:
added the procfile with the following line: web:nuxt start
And it worked, When I go to: the website opened and the products are loaded but it seems the "infinit scrolling with uses $axios plugin isn't working, As well as opening a product page "by clicking a product card".
So I guess it's $axios that's making that error, Seems it's baseURL is localhost:3000 istead of the website domain
So my question is How to make this.$axios.$get(...) point to the website domain instead of localhost:300
You will need to set environment variables for this.
Where ever you are configuring Axios have it look at the environment variable to set the baseURL, example:
Axios.defaults.baseURL = process.env.APP_API
Then create your .env files in the root of your directory:
Alternatively you can change the baseurl inline whenever you are creating a call to your api. For example
would be replaced with
this.$axios({ url: '/example-path', baseURL: '' })
Thank you for your answer, I'm sure this would work